Annual General Assembly of RECOMED Network Members in Malta

The Annual General Assembly of our members will take place on Saturday 23 November 2024 in Malta. Our host will be the new member of RECOMED «Olive Growers Cooperative Limited» after a kind proposal by the President of the Cooperative Mr. Jimmy Magro. The General Assembly will discuss important issues concerning the initiatives and future …

The SINFO Olive Tree, RECOMED Award for the Best Monumental Olive Tree in the Mediterranean

In 2019, Recomed organized the 1st Mediterranean Contest of the Best Monumental Olive Tree. Among 12 specimens from 6 countries which were presented, a prestigious jury, formed by experts in agronomy, chose the SINFO OLIVE TREE located in Traiguera (Castellón) as a winner, in an area declared by FAO as GIAHS of Monumental Olive Trees …

10th Panhellenic Olive Oil and Table Olive Festival of Kalamata under the auspices of the “Mediterranean Olive Oil Cities Network – RECOMED”

10th Panhellenic Olive Oil and Table Olive Festival of Kalamata under the auspices of the “Mediterranean Olive Oil Cities Network – RECOMED”. On Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 April 2024, the “10th Panhellenic Olive Oil and Table Olive Festival of Kalamata” will take place in Kalamata (at the Elysian Luxury Hotel), an initiative of the …

Signing ceremony of the accession agreement of the Municipality of Koper, Slovenia to RECOMED

Mr. George Karabatos, RECOMED President, an Mrs. Olga Mezeridou, RECOMED Executive Consultant, attended the Municipality of Koper, Slovenia on 24-27 November for the official accession of Municipality of Koper to the RECOMED network. The official signing ceremony took place on 24 November during the annual meeting of olive oil producers to celebrate World Olive Day. …