The ‘’Malta Declaration’’, an important AEMO proposal adopted by the RECOMED General Assembly

At the annual General Assembly of RECOMED member countries, the Spanish delegation represented at the meeting by the President of AEMO Mrs Lola Amo Camino and his Director Mr Jose M. Penko presented the Malta Declaration, the subject and objective of which is to ensure fair prices for Mediterranean extra virgin olive oil, which was …

General Assembly of RECOMED 2024

The RECOMED General Assembly was successfully held in Malta (St Julians) with the participation of 7 RECOMED member countries: Greece, Italy, Malta, Montenegro, Slovenia, Spain, Turkiye The General Assembly focused on the activities of the Network in the period 2023-2024 and their expansion. New members, such as Malta and Slovenia represented by the Olive Growers’ …

Annual General Assembly of RECOMED Network Members in Malta

The Annual General Assembly of our members will take place on Saturday 23 November 2024 in Malta. Our host will be the new member of RECOMED «Olive Growers Cooperative Limited» after a kind proposal by the President of the Cooperative Mr. Jimmy Magro. The General Assembly will discuss important issues concerning the initiatives and future …


REPRESENTATIVES OF THE IOC’S MEMBER STATES GATHER TO WELCOME NEW MEMBERS AND DISCUSS UPDATES FOR THE YEAR The IOC convened the 119th plenary session of its Council of Members on Tuesday, June 25 at the headquarters in Madrid. It brought together delegations from most of the organization’s 20 Member States, who represent around 94% of …


THE IOC WILL COMMEMORATE THE 30TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE PUBLICATION OF THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET PYRAMID In November 2024, the IOC will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the official publication of the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid in the margins of World Olive Day. The IOC would like to recognize the people and organizations that pioneered this initiative, …

The SINFO Olive Tree, RECOMED Award for the Best Monumental Olive Tree in the Mediterranean

In 2019, Recomed organized the 1st Mediterranean Contest of the Best Monumental Olive Tree. Among 12 specimens from 6 countries which were presented, a prestigious jury, formed by experts in agronomy, chose the SINFO OLIVE TREE located in Traiguera (Castellón) as a winner, in an area declared by FAO as GIAHS of Monumental Olive Trees …

Contaminants in Cretan olive oil: Exhaust fumes from olive oil mills, pesticides and plasticizers contaminate the olive oil

Lubricants and exhaust gases are a new group of contaminants for the olive oil produced in Crete, which are expected to be targeted by the European Union in the next two years at the latest. Therefore, both olive growers during olive harvesting and producers during the pressing of the olives must be as careful as …

10th Panhellenic Olive Oil and Table Olive Festival of Kalamata under the auspices of the “Mediterranean Olive Oil Cities Network – RECOMED”

10th Panhellenic Olive Oil and Table Olive Festival of Kalamata under the auspices of the “Mediterranean Olive Oil Cities Network – RECOMED”. On Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 April 2024, the “10th Panhellenic Olive Oil and Table Olive Festival of Kalamata” will take place in Kalamata (at the Elysian Luxury Hotel), an initiative of the …

Turkish exporters in despair over accumulated stocks of olive oil from the export ban

The export ban imposed by the Turkish government – Breaking news: Turkey imposed an export ban on its olive oils (1/8/2023) may have been a good measure for the grassroots as it stopped the skyrocketing prices on the domestic market, but at the same time it was also very bad news for traders and exporters, …

Sultana, the new variety that will revolutionize the super-intensive

Is called Sultana and it is the new olive variety which, according to the University of Cordoba “it will revolutionize high-density planting”. Fruit of the research developed with the Balam Agricultures, this new variety is considered a watershed in the production of high density olive groves. As reported by the Spanish magazine Marcaceous, Pedro Gàlvez …