Mediterranean Olive Oil Cities Network - Réseau des Villes Oléicoles de la Méditerranée - Red de Ciudades Oleicolas del Mediterraneo - Rete Città dell’Olio del Mediterraneo - Δίκτυο Ελαιοπαραγωγών Πόλεων Μεσογείου-Mreža sredozemskih mest z oljčnim oljem - Akdeniz zeytinyağı kentleri ağı - شبكة مدن زيت الزيتون المتوسطية

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What is RECOMED?

It is a Euro-Mediterranean cooperation initiative of Mediterranean cities to enhance sustainable development in the olive sector and preserve the cultural and natural heritage of the olive tree.

It is a network of cities in 9 countries : Croatia, Greece, Italy, Morocco, Montenegro, Slovenia, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey. The headquarters of the network is in the country holding the presidency and changes every 2 years.


The main objective is the exchange of know-how and the implementation of good practices to strengthen the olive sector, tourism development and the competitiveness of olive-growing regions.

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Through its activities, the Network promotes the implementation of good practices in the olive sector, encourages the development of development initiatives between different communities, such as olive tourism.

The activities of the Network include forums, research and studies, exhibitions, tastings, seminars, etc. that encourage the dissemination of quality olive oil production and its promotion as a product with unique characteristics and nutritional properties.

The RECOMED Members


OTRoutes Cultural Foundation “Routes of the Olive Tree”

European Parliament Pilot Project

Supporting the implementation of digital tools for tourism and more specifically the restaurant sector



About Our Network

The Mediterranean Olive Oil Cities Network RECOMED was created in 2011 in Imperia (Italy) during the 1st Mediterranean Food Forum.
The founding members are Italy, Greece, Spain, Morocco, Tunisia, Montenegro, Slovenia and Turkey.

Today, the member countries of the Network and the entities representing them are:

GREECE, Cultural Foundation “Routes of the Olive Tree”
ITALY, Italian Olive Oil Cities Association “Citta dell’Olio”
MAROCCO, Agro-pôle Olivier, Ecole Nationale Agriculture de Meknes
MONTENEGRO, Municipality of Tivat, Maslinarsko društvo Boka
SLOVENIA, Municipality of Koper
SPAIN, Olive Oil Cities Association AEMO
TUNISIA, National Institute of Agricultural Research IRESA/ Olive Oil Institutes
TURKEY, Didim Agricultural Chamber
CROATIA, Croatian Olive Oil Cities Association

The aim of the RECOMED Network is to contribute to the strengthening of the economic and cultural activity in olive-growing regions, through the reinforcement of their Mediterranean identity and knowledge of olive products and gastronomy. The aim is also to promote the cultural and scientific aspects of olive cultivation and cultural tourism of olives & olive oil.

To achieve its objectives, it encourages partnerships, the creation of documentation centres, thematic museums and events linked to the world of olive cultivation and Mediterranean cuisine, the organisation of seminars and research on olive oil quality, the Mediterranean diet, olive landscapes, etc.

The preservation and promotion of the flavours and aromas of the gastronomic tradition of the Mediterranean countries and the organisation of events focusing on the olive tree, which offer the public the opportunity to discover the olive tree in all its dimensions and to raise awareness for the protection of the natural and cultural landscapes of the olive tree, which can be found throughout the Mediterranean, is also one of the objectives of the RECOMED Network.

Member Testimonials

"Here everything starts from a single common point: the olive tree. Here, we learn to Love Networking! "
Margherita Bovicelli
"The aim of the Network is that the agreements signed with the members will not just remain on a piece of paper, but will provide substantial assistance through the transfer of know-how, experiences and good practices and attracting interest at international and European level for the protection and promotion of quality olive oils and the enhancement of rural development."
Enrico Lupi
Founder & 1st president of RECOMED
"It is a network that provides opportunities to develop and optimise knowledge of the olive sector, opens up promising prospects for the natural and cultural landscapes of the olive and creates stable and fruitful partnerships between its members. "
Marinella Katsilieri
OTRoutes Cultural foundation

RECOMED - Mediterranean Olive Oil Cities Network


C/O “Routes of the Olive Tree” OTROUTES Foundation

237 Navarinou avenue – Ntanti Str. 24130 Kalamata GREECE

+30 27210 95620