Founded in Larino (Campobasso) in December 1994, it brings together municipalities, provinces, chambers of commerce, LAGs (local action groups) – in accordance with European legislation – and parks, sites in territories where oils are produced that document an adequate olive-growing tradition linked to environmental, historical, cultural and/or Designation of Origin values.
Specifically, the Association has among its main tasks to disseminate the culture of olive and olive oil quality; protect and promote the environment and the olive landscape; spread the history of olive growing; ensure the consumer through the
enhancement of designations of origin, the organization of events, the implementation of communication and marketing strategies aimed at knowledge of the great Italian olive heritage.
Associazione Nazionale Italiana Città dell’Olio
Villa Parigini Strada di Basciano, 22
53035 Monteriggioni (Si)
P.Iva 00883360703
Tel +39 0577 329109
Fax + 39 0577 326042