The Institution of Agricultural Research and Higher Education (IRESA) is responsible for accomplishing the following missions:
- to ensure the promotion of agricultural research within the framework of the general policy of the State in this field, by ensuring the link between the Agricultural Research and Higher Education Establishments on the one hand and the agricultural extension and the producers on the other hand;
- to elaborate the agricultural research programmes and the necessary budgets for their realisation, to follow the execution of these programmes and to ensure their evaluation while ensuring the coordination and the complementarity between the Agricultural Research and Higher Education Establishments in the agricultural fields;
- to ensure that Agricultural Research and Higher Education Institutions are at the service of agricultural production and development.
To achieve its objectives, IRESA has established and has under its supervision Olive Tree Institutes in the olive-growing regions of the country.
National Institute for Agricultural Research (IRESA) Tunisia
30, Rue Alain Savary 1002 Tunis Belvédère -Tunisia
(00216) 70 221 000
(00216) 71796170 / (00216) 70 221 001

Institute for Olive tree de Sfax
The Olive Tree Institute is a public establishment of an administrative nature placed under the authority of the Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulic Resources and Fishing, attached to the Institution of Agricultural Research and Higher Education and under the cotutelage of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Created in 1981, the Olive Tree Institute is in charge of undertaking all research, study and experimentation actions likely to develop and promote the olive tree sector and the fruit tree sector in semi-arid areas on the agronomic, technological and economic levels.
Olive Tree Institute Sfax
Route de l’Aéroport, B.P. 1087 3000 Sfax
(+216) 74 241 240 / 74 241 589
(+216) 74 241 033
bo.iosfax@iresa.agrinet.tn & bo@io.usf.tn